Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christ--er Hanukkah Special?
Hey everyone and happy holidays!
This was a short video I made this afternoon because the weather sucked and because of a conversation I had with a friend. Now I'm not Jewish but I had the same friend review the script so I'm hoping that I don't go to hell over this whole thing. Anyway the conversation I had was that there wasn't any Hanukkah Machinima out there. Crazy I know! And yes I understand this is a little late for Hanukkah
Anyway I promised someone very special to me that I'd try to stay way from the computer but I figured I should get this out before Christmas and with the bad weather it was a constructive use of my time... Wow I just said making a 4 min video about Hanukkah using world of warcraft was constructive. I need my new job to start soon....
MP3 of the song
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Nobody Like You: Halloween
That's right the new instalment of Nobody Like You is here! Well it's a short special about Halloween but it's still good! Don't worry I'm already working on EP 4 so it's not like it's going to be another month until you get EP 4.
The Halloween Special was made this last weekend... yeah made the whole thing in one weekend script to finish, take that... someone who... does fast movies... Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video!
Also you can download the mp3 of the credits music here:
And the link to Hearts, Hands, and Voices for Child's Play is here:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009
MMO-Champion Hacked!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In Flight
Ok blizz I know you like showing all the hard work you've done on your terrain but come on! Stone Talon mountains is right under Ashenvale, why the hell do I need to fly to the coast when I could just go over the mountains? And I know that there's nothing there to hurt me or my bird (not that I've ever 'creatively jumped' like that before). But I guess it doesn't matter cause the expansion will change that all, so yay nerdrage...
In machinima news I've got 3 machinima's planed, all of which will be completed. One is Nobody Like You EP4, and the trailer for EP4, and a special one that is going to be done with some famousish people.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Make a Difference
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I could dig this...

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Nobody Like You EP3
First of all let me just say that I'm sorry about the lack of posts last week but as you can see I was up to something. I really wanted to get episode 3 of Nobody Like You done so I crammed all my free time to get it done. Although looking back at the project, I had to cut 2mins of the episode cause the time was running too long so that could have probably saved me some time.
Episode 3 picks up right after Episode 2 and that's all I can say without it being a huge spoiler. I can say that the 4th wall will been broken in this episode... just like every other one. Oh and to those that I parodied, it was meant as a joke not an attack. Also I'm sorry for how long it took to make this episode. The original plan was for it to be released the week after episode 2 but Turpster approached me to do a machinima for him. And let's face it, Turpster is one dreamy Brit.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video and there will, with out a question, be an episode 4. But with my job schedule I wouldn't expect it to be for a couple of months. Oh and please feel free to drop me a line at ninthbatter@hotmail.com or http://twitter.com/NinthBatter and of course my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/NinthBatter.
edit: problem with the video, didn't upload the last 1/4 of the video, working on it.
edit 11:16 pm 7-13: reduced the video quality and re-uploaded it to youtube. should work fine now.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I'm Not Bias...

Monday, June 29, 2009
Habbu Say What?!?!?

- Friends won't have to be divided just cause the one person didn't know what faction to roll.
- It may help some servers with balancing the horde/ally ratio.
- Players can now feel the same way on the outside as the do on the inside. Just like Chaz Bono.
- Hopefully less dwarf females.
- Ninjas can disappear even faster, and gold farmers can f*ck with your account even more.
- Lack of faction pride.
- Makes it less of a choice when choosing a faction.
Now for the crazy speculation! In the next expansion we will finally see a neutral faction consisting of goblins, ethereals, ogres, and furbolgs. They'll be able to group with both factions and gain rep with both the horde and the alliance. Although let's say you gain rep with Ogrimmar you lose rep with Ironforge.
~Ninth Batter
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Special 50th Post!
Here's the links:
~Ninth Batter
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Curse of 3...

- The main character will not become Emo.
- The plants won't be the reason everyone is committing suicide.
- It won't be a dream.
- We won't f*ck up the character of Deadpool.
- We won't get the worse child actor ever to play the kid version of the Lich King. Wow although now that I mention it, Arthas is a Vader rip off.
- We won't kill Patrick Stewart.
- The Aliens won't die when they come in contact with water. (seriously, they decided to invade a planet that is covered with the stuff, the highest lifeforms are 80% the stuff, oh and yeah, it falls from the sky)
- We'll make sure Han Solo shot first.
- Eric Bana will not be the Hulk.
- The main character does not have Amnesia.
- The "smoke monster" will not be some memory cloud.
- And finally, MALE COWS DON'T HAVE UDDERS! Seriously WTF Barnyard!
Well there you have it, I hoped you enjoyed this look into the next episode. It is about halfway done and I'll try to get it done soon(TM) but with work I haven't had that much free time. Speaking of work, we burned down a house the other day. Ah the things we'll do for a joke.
Friday, June 12, 2009
To Protect Our Children...

- Apprentice Riding (Skill 75)
60% land mount speed
Requires level 20
Cost: 4 gold
Mount cost: 1 gold
Mail will be sent to players at level 20 guiding them to the riding trainer - Riding (Skill 150)
100% land mount speed
Requires level 40
Cost: 50 gold
Mount cost: 10 gold
Mail will be sent to players at level 40 guiding them back to the riding trainer - 150% flying mount speed; 60% land mount speed
Requires level 60
Cost: 600 gold (faction discounts now apply)
Mount Cost: 50 gold
Can now be learned in Honor Hold (Alliance) or Thrallmar (Horde) - 280% flying mount speed; 100% land mount speed
Requires level 70
Cost: 5,000 gold (faction discounts now apply)
Mount Cost: 100 gold - A new zeppelin route is being added in Thunder Bluff and will transport players to Orgrimmar.
- Druid
Travel Form: Requires level 16
Flight Form: Requires level 60 (150% flight speed)
Swift Flight Form: Requires level 70 - Hunter
Aspect of the Cheetah: Requires level 16 - Shaman
Ghost Wolf: Requires level 16 - Portals from Ogrimmar and Stormwind to the Dark Portal.
Ok now the zeplin between Ogrimmar and Thunder Bluff is nice, especially since Ally can all hub through Stormwind. Everything else I'm not too thrilled about. Was blizz really losing so many players between lvl20-30 that they needed to do that? Does it really take that long to level? I mean it only took me a week or so to get to lvl 40 on my last alt. And really?!? A portal from Stormwind and Ogrimmar to the Dark Portal. Was it really that hard to take the bird/zeplin?
Blizz really seems to be wanting to fast track any new player (possibly to replace the loss of players recently, summer and otherwise) but will they get the same experience that was originally meant. I mean one of the cool things was getting my first mount and realizing in the process how big Azeroth really is. In all seriousness, mark my words! This will only lead to obesity amongst our younger toons.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm Talking to You...

Monday, June 8, 2009
Watch Out...

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Do or do not, there is no try...
Everyone has that one game that they loved and couldn't stop playing over and over again. For many that game is Peggle, but for me it was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. What really drove this game home for me was Bioware's ability to really tell a story. You throw some great game play and great voice overs and it's no suprise that they won over a hundred awards including 48 "best game of the year" awards. And now they're coming out with a new MMO with a similar basis.
While I love Warcraft, I can help but be excited for this game to come out. I know that there isn't such a thing as a "Warcraft killer" but if this game is a success I could foresee it being a serious competitor in the MMO market. The one thing that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic had that most other star wars games didn't, was the enjoyability it had for people. Even people who didn't like star wars. Anyway the trailer is linked above courtesy of Massively.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Under the Mask..

Monday, June 1, 2009
About Damn Time...

Monday, May 25, 2009
Too short even to name...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Please take a seat...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Would you like another hour....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
And now for something completely different...
Well WoW Insider is now WoW.com and the site has gone through the works. It's a whole new blueish toned look but all the bloggers are still there so no need to worry.
The main thing that the new site has is social networking. You just sign up then modify whatever you want to modify. Add me as a friend and I'll add you to mine; just don't tell anyone, my mom doesn't like me talking to strangers (jc my mom just doesn't like me talking to Decepticons ).
Another new addition is their add-on that sends updates to the site when you're playing the game. I think it's a cool feature, that way you can see what people are up to if they aren't on your server. It brings a whole new level to the game in my opinion.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm Back...

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Dude Stop the QQ...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'm a whore...

Monday, May 11, 2009
Evolution vs Divine Intervention...

Saturday, May 9, 2009
I have a dream...

Friday, May 8, 2009
Do the Dew Justice...

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Where Nobody has gone before...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Not a piñata...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
It's a she...

Monday, May 4, 2009
Mr. Stinky-fish-face-lobster-giant-thing...

The fight can be broken into 4 steps:
step 1:
Before pulling General Vezax assign casters to groups to rotate through the process of regenerating mana through the clouds.
step 2:
Pull General Vezax, and start DPSing.
step 3:
Interrupt Searing Flames when General Vezax starts casting it.
step 4:
When General Vezax casts Surge of darkness stop all DPS on him. Have the tank kite him, since General Vezax will move 55% slower. It should be the perfect time for your casters to start taking the clouds for mana regeneration, and the healers to start AOE healing them.
Rotate through the caster groups to not overwhelm your healers.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Karaoke Night

Saturday, May 2, 2009
With great power comes great responsibility...
- A GM sent them the item, they didn't hack.
- The shirt only has a hundred charges, it can't be used forever.
- They thought blizz was being cool for everything that had happened.
- The item could have been a typo on blizzards part, item 17 instead of item 17206.
- We don't know what blizz knows about the situation, dude might be a GM or have a friend who is and had the item given to him that way.
- Karatechop is defiantly not the wide-eyed gnome he tries to make himself out to be. They knew to kill the bosses on their hard modes or else they couldn't get to Algalon. They cleared new progression content before everyone else, even Vodka and Ensidia.
- They got a world first by using it and the item says "Cheater" on the bottom.
Friday, May 1, 2009
You better not pout...

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Who Watches the Watchers?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hey I remember you...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ladies First...

Monday, April 27, 2009
The Maiden of... Cats?..

The fight isn't too bad, like High King Maulgar in Gruul's Lair it is all about the pull. The pull is the most crucial element to the fight, and it is not uncommon for your group to spend longer learning how to pull than actually learning the fight. The two panther adds that follow Auriaya will pounce on the initial aggro target if they are out of melee range but within line of sight. The idea is to not have the two kitties pounce anyone, so the pull must be done while both tanks are out of LoS from her until she is within melee range. A good place for the tanks to stand at the beginning is in the small enclave with the urn to the side of the stairs.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
By request..

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Nobody Wants to be Your Friend...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Kologarnator

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
In Ulduar We Trust...

Monday, April 20, 2009
Why Kids Need a Mother Figure...

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Around the Bend...

Saturday, April 18, 2009
You've got a Fiend in Me...

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Fight is covered in depth here. She's a tough birdy to take down but she's a fun fight in my book.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
It's getting hot in here...

The Ignis encounter begins as a simple tank and spank fight (Naxx geared tanks can take upwards of 25000-30000 damage per hit, so healers need to be on the ball). Casters, particularly healers, should take care to stop casting before Ignis uses Flame Jets, otherwise they will be locked out of their spells for 8 seconds. All players should make sure to move out of Scorch areas. Random players will periodically be charged and placed in the Slag Pot attached to Ignis' stomach. Whichever player is charged should be healed through the DoT. Nice guy isn't he?
The fight gets slightly more complicated when Ignis activates an Iron Construct. For every active Iron Construct, Ignis gains a 15% damage bonus. No more than a couple of these should be kept up at any time. Iron Constructs should be dragged through a Scorch area until they turn Molten. Alternately, if you have root or snare capability, the Construct can be kited into the Scorch and rooted until molten. Once molten, they need to be dragged immediately to one of the water pools so that they turn Brittle. Brittle Iron Constructs are stunned for 20 seconds, have a 50% increased chance to be critically hit, and will shatter if 5000 damage is done in a single hit. Shattering a Construct will remove one stack of Ignis' damage buff.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Flame Leviathan is Flame Leviathan Crazy...

In 1983, he was one of many teenaged stars to appear in Francis Ford Coppola's The Outsiders. Flame's breakthrough came after Risky Business was released, which helped to propel Flame to stardom. One sequence in the film, has Flame lip-syncing Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll" in his underwear, has become an iconic moment in 1980s film. In 85' he landed another defining role in Legend directed by Ridley Scott, solidifying him as a character actor.
Flame Leviathan's next major role was in Top Gun which opened in May 1986... oh wait is that Flame Leviathan of Tom Cruise? I aways get the two of them mixed up.
Anyway the Flame Leviathan is a fairly easy fight. Just make sure people know what their vehicles do and have a set kiting path before your attempt and you should be golden. Most guilds will down this boss on their first couple attempts. Wowwiki has a great strategy for the fight.
Also, found this great vid on College Humor. I think it's appropriate for the flaming that's going on in this post.
We Didn't Start the Flame War