So as many of you probably know, Blizzard has announced that in 3.2 there will be new druid models. Let me repeat that, THERE WILL BE NEW DRUID MODELS!!! Ok everyone understand? Good.
I love that the new models will be dependent on your hair color. This makes it feel more that they're individual toons instead of "well it's another bear tank." I can't wait to see what the new cat forms look like. I never had a issue with the Night Elf cat, thought it was pretty cool personally, but the man-pig-cow-lion thing that the Tauren have is atrocious. I'm sure that during their creation some designer was like "For the Alliance lol."
I want to see them continue with this trend though. I want to see new tree form and boomkin models coming our way. I know we probably won't be seeing new flight forms but Blizz should redo seal and travel form. I personally think travel form should scale with your mount speed, this would make druids more definable when seeing one run by. And, as I've noticed recently, how ironic is a druid on a mechanostrider? Seal needs an update as well, especially if the next expansion is going to be the Maelstrom.
I had food poisoning this weekend from a bad bowl of popcorn from the movie theater. I mean it wasn't bad enough that this theater wasn't showing "Drag Me to Hell" but did they also have to give me the worst craps of my life? Also I really haven't had anytime recently to work on Nobody Like You, work has had us with a 5 a.m. shooting schedule. And let me tell you, when your job is to be funny it's not so easy to do early in the morning.
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