XT-002 Deconstructor is the fourth raid boss in Ulduar raid, and one of the many creations of Mimiron. He directly blocks the entrance into the lower level of Ulduar in the Scrapyard. He also seems to have the personality and mental state of a small child, considering smaller creatures to be his "toys." Judging from the amount of junk piled up in the scrapyard, he has a history of breaking his toys.
Is it just me or does anyone else want to see XT-002 and Patchwerk having a play date together?
The fight isn't too bad. The first part is a tank and spank, nothing too complicated about it. The fight does get a little tricky during the add phase. Scrapbots need to be killed before they reach the boss, Boombots need to be killed by range and the Pummelers need to be OT'd for the duration of the fight.
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