Now we've all seen them before or have at least heard of them, scammers. Recently WoW.com did a interview with a scammer that was very interesting to me. I've always heard of people having it happen to them but the interview they did was a bit disturbing. He had a complete lack of guilt about the whole thing saying that "well it happened to me..." And while I do agree it is just a game but it's like if I stole your baseball bat and you were playing a game. He'll probably end up having some issues with his personality at a later date but as of now nothing has happened to him.
Now the scam is he was "selling" a Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger code and he'd have you put the gold into trade just to make sure you had it. Then he sends you a link to a site that looks exactly like the blizzard one and then he rips your account. Honestly all I can say to these scammers out there is F*CK YOU!
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