I follow WoW Insider Moviewatch pretty religiously. I enjoy the variety of machinima that they show and Michael Grey gives every film a nice review. But there's a guy that keeps posting saying that "the film selection sucks" and "my movie is so great." The guy just really disappoints me as one a "machinimast" and two a person that does work in the film industry.
He just seems to be missing the point of making machinima. He says he's bitter for not being featured on Moviewatch, sorry no, I don't buy that. He's whining cause he's not getting what he want, and he's missing the point of machinima. Machinima is not something we get paid for, but is something authors do in their free time because they enjoy doing it. As long as you enjoyed making your movie, that's all that matters. It shouldn't matter if you get the kudos from a certain website or not.
Also as for him saying the selection of films stinks, Grey posts a new machinima M-F every week. That's just amazing in my book that WoW has that many fans out their that do that sort of work. I'm not saying I get everything that's posted there (not everything is everyone's taste) but I would never call any of it crap.
Authors make films of warcraft cause they enjoy the game. And when it all comes down to it, this is a game. Enjoy yourself in what ever your ventures are.
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