So the guild I'm in, of which I'm one of the guild leaders, turned two years old this last week and it has made me think of where I've been and how far I've come since I was a blue eyed noob.
So my first toon ever was my Paladin (who is still my main) and let me tell you, I was amazed at how fast the levels were going and the humor that was involved in killing things (You no steal candle!). But when I reached those damn murlocks by the logging camp, I met my first real challenge and noob moment. I didn't know until lvl8 that I as a paladin could heal myself, yeah I know. Hey I read the text and it said "heals friendly target for X amount" little did I know that I was in fact a friendly target to myself. But hey we're all noobs at one point and time.
Another thing about myself I thought was funny is in vanilla WoW I was Ret, Holy in BC, and I'm now Prot in WotLK. I guess we all evolve in this game over time. Also EP 3 of "Nobody Like You" is coming along wonderfully and I also have another project I'll be starting soon and it should be another great project. I'll try to get ep 3 out this week but if not this week it'll be out next week.
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