Thursday, April 30, 2009
Who Watches the Watchers?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hey I remember you...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ladies First...

Monday, April 27, 2009
The Maiden of... Cats?..

The fight isn't too bad, like High King Maulgar in Gruul's Lair it is all about the pull. The pull is the most crucial element to the fight, and it is not uncommon for your group to spend longer learning how to pull than actually learning the fight. The two panther adds that follow Auriaya will pounce on the initial aggro target if they are out of melee range but within line of sight. The idea is to not have the two kitties pounce anyone, so the pull must be done while both tanks are out of LoS from her until she is within melee range. A good place for the tanks to stand at the beginning is in the small enclave with the urn to the side of the stairs.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
By request..

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Nobody Wants to be Your Friend...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Kologarnator

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
In Ulduar We Trust...

Monday, April 20, 2009
Why Kids Need a Mother Figure...

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Around the Bend...

Saturday, April 18, 2009
You've got a Fiend in Me...

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Fight is covered in depth here. She's a tough birdy to take down but she's a fun fight in my book.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
It's getting hot in here...

The Ignis encounter begins as a simple tank and spank fight (Naxx geared tanks can take upwards of 25000-30000 damage per hit, so healers need to be on the ball). Casters, particularly healers, should take care to stop casting before Ignis uses Flame Jets, otherwise they will be locked out of their spells for 8 seconds. All players should make sure to move out of Scorch areas. Random players will periodically be charged and placed in the Slag Pot attached to Ignis' stomach. Whichever player is charged should be healed through the DoT. Nice guy isn't he?
The fight gets slightly more complicated when Ignis activates an Iron Construct. For every active Iron Construct, Ignis gains a 15% damage bonus. No more than a couple of these should be kept up at any time. Iron Constructs should be dragged through a Scorch area until they turn Molten. Alternately, if you have root or snare capability, the Construct can be kited into the Scorch and rooted until molten. Once molten, they need to be dragged immediately to one of the water pools so that they turn Brittle. Brittle Iron Constructs are stunned for 20 seconds, have a 50% increased chance to be critically hit, and will shatter if 5000 damage is done in a single hit. Shattering a Construct will remove one stack of Ignis' damage buff.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Flame Leviathan is Flame Leviathan Crazy...

In 1983, he was one of many teenaged stars to appear in Francis Ford Coppola's The Outsiders. Flame's breakthrough came after Risky Business was released, which helped to propel Flame to stardom. One sequence in the film, has Flame lip-syncing Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll" in his underwear, has become an iconic moment in 1980s film. In 85' he landed another defining role in Legend directed by Ridley Scott, solidifying him as a character actor.
Flame Leviathan's next major role was in Top Gun which opened in May 1986... oh wait is that Flame Leviathan of Tom Cruise? I aways get the two of them mixed up.
Anyway the Flame Leviathan is a fairly easy fight. Just make sure people know what their vehicles do and have a set kiting path before your attempt and you should be golden. Most guilds will down this boss on their first couple attempts. Wowwiki has a great strategy for the fight.
Also, found this great vid on College Humor. I think it's appropriate for the flaming that's going on in this post.
We Didn't Start the Flame War
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
3.1 is HERE!!!

3.1 is finally here and you know what that means... I was actually bluffing there, I have no idea what it means... or do I.
If you haven't seen the trailer yet, go watch it now. Now that we've got that settled let's get down to business. Each day I'm going to cover one of the new bosses that came in 3.1 and how they play a part in the story. Yes I am in fact nerdgasiming at the new patch.
In other news, I have a little teaser of info for the Nobody Like You Ep 2. Now I know you all loved listening to my voice in Ep 1 but for the next one I'll be having another person doing a voice over for the new character. And, wait for it, it's a she.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tonight on the 6 O'Clock News...

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Here Comes Peter, Hider of the Great Eggs
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Messing With P.E.T.A.
To stop the seals being slain.
Little did P.E.T.A. know,
That their efforts would be in vain.
The Horde came to the beaches,
For their Daily Cooking mats.
The Alliance came as well,
The Alliance brought bats.
No P.E.T.A. Members spoke up that day,
Not even a whisper they would poke.
At the Thousands of Horde and Alliance,
Killing all the seals, as a joke.
That's right P.E.T.A. came to my server with the intention of protesting the seal killing in Canada. They had it set up with a couple Horde killing seals in the Howling Fjord, and Alliance would come and kill the Horde members. Their event did not go as planned.
Hundreds of Horde and Alliance were present for the event... all were there to kill seals.
When I first found out about this I thought to myself "Jack, my man. This has so much potential that you can't miss this." So I got a couple of my buddies on the server to join me in protesting the killing of Horde. P.E.T.A. you say that "Fur is Murder!" Well, I say killing people is murder. We gathered at the front lines of the Horde and protected them with a wall of meat (great feasts). And then I farmed about 5 stacks of Chilled Meat and couldn't stop laughing at the "Warranty void if Seal is broken" jokes that were being made.
P.E.T.A. never did actually speak up during the whole thing. I think they were way too upset that we were mocking them. But honestly, how could you expect for this not to happen when you have a guy in game named Nesingwary, who has asked you to kill almost a thousand animals for him. Yes P.E.T.A., WoW was indeed your best place to hold a demonstration for not killing things. Seriously, how the hell did P.E.T.A. think that this wasn't going to lead to them losing all credibility.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Great Sartharion DEATH Race

Ladies and Gentlemen, Place your bets!
Yes it's time for the great cannon ba-- err Sartharion Race.
Ok so this is how it works. In Obsidian Sanctum you are able to mount and in turn race! I mean let's face it, who hasn't killed Sarth yet? But have you tried running around the outside of the instance avoiding mobs while trying to make laps? I thought not.
To make the whole thing a bit more fun have everyone first agree on a bet amount, my guild does 10g, and have everyone agree to pay the winner at the end. The winner is the person that makes it the farthest, not the person left alive. That way you don't get people winning that waited for everyone else to go then followed. Honestly it's my favorite part of raiding now since we see if we can beat our best distance (my personal best is 12 laps).
In other news "Nobody Like You" has been featured on WoW Insider. Michael Gray wrote us a faltering post on the video and since then it's really sky rocketed. I've got the script done for Ep 2 and I'll start filming this weekend.
Real life is keeping me busy enough (got 3 shows coming up) but I couldn't be happier. I mean who wouldn't want to be a Comedian for a living.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
In Bed

Monday, April 6, 2009
Nobody's Here

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Hey if it sucks it sucks, but i can honestly tell you the protagonist is like Nobody you've ever seen...
Also, this weeks How I WoW anniversary show that went for 3+ hours was damn hilarious.
Oh, and to the five of you that care, my show went great Thursday. I got a standing ovation and I was in the middle of the show. So hey, if this whole machinima thing doesn't work out, I always have stand-up to fall back on.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
And Now For Something Completely Diffrent...