With the new Warcraft themed Mountain Dew only a week away (I know this because while I was doing my research I found their website that has a count down until release) many players in the WoW community are asking "And why do we care again?" and I completely agree. There are a few things that bother me with this whole thing. I know this is all subject to change since the product hasn't been released yet.
Ok Mountain Dew, I get you're trying to establish that you're the drink for gamers since Dr. Pepper has been moving in on your turf. But hey, they won the contract with MLG fair and square. The problem I have with you is you're not even doing the research for your target audience. Your "flavors" are "Horde Red" and "Alliance Blue". Is that really the best names your marketing team can come up with? Why not "Blood and Thunder" for the horde version and "Thunder Brew" for the Alliance. Hell I would have been happy with Runn Tum Tuber Surprise and Kungaloosh.
Now this is all speculation, but it appears that a minipet will be offered with the release of your product. That's cool in my opinion, but is this your doing or Blizzard's? I know this isn't the first time Blizz has used a soft drink to market for them but this isn't Peggle that we're talking about. World of Warcraft has one of the largest player base (if not the largest) for the current gaming community. Bring out the big guns guys, I'd love to see a WoW mountain dew commercial and I do hope the codes on the caps have in-game rewards. Hell do some viral advertising for it. Have some Warcraft characters roam the streets of L.A. And I'm not talking about some humans wondering around, I want tauren and murlocks!
But most of all, please please PLEASE let the drinks taste good. I remember the Halo 3 stuff you guys had and I remember me not drinking anymore after the first sip.
lol kungaloosh as a mountain dew flavor